Yale & the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-boy
Yale & the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-boy
Yale & the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-boy
Yale & the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-boy
Yale & the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-boy
Yale & the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-boy

Yale & the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-boy


Regular price $7.95


By: Murphy, Christopher L.
ISBN: 9780888397126
Binding: Trade Paper
Size: 8.5" X 5.5"
Pages: 48
Photos: 39
Illustrations: 5
Publication Date: 2011


PR Highlights: Updated with all historical information in 1 book
PHOTO Highlights: Historical photographs and illustrations

Table of Contents

Description: A re-examination of the story around the capture and disappearance of a mysterious creature in BC in 1884. In July 1884 a major newspaper in British Columbia, Canada featured a detailed article about the capture of a creature resembling both an ape and a young human boy along the railway line between the towns of Boston Bar and Yale, BC. Nicknamed Jacko, the creature was taken to Yale and thereafter simply disappeared. The story remained buried for some 75 years. It was then resurrected by researchers in a quest to discover the truth behind sightings and other evidence of the existence of sasquatch, ape-like creatures said to inhabit North American forests. Since then, the story has been told and retold in many books and magazines.

Author Biography

Christopher L. Murphy retired in 1994 after 36 years of service with the British Columbia Telephone Company (now Telus). During his career, he authored four books on business processes. After retirement he taught a night school course on vendor quality management at the B.C. Institute of Technology. An avid philatelist, Chris has written several books on Masonic Philately. Chris got involved in the sasquatch mystery when he met Rene Dahinden, who lived nearby, in 1993. He then worked with Rene in producing posters from the Patterson/Gimlin film and marketing sasquatch footprint casts. In 1996, Chris republished Roger Patterson's 1966 book, Do Abominable Snowmen of America Really Exist?, and Fred Beck's book, I Fought the Apemen of Mt. St. Helens. In 1997, Chris published Bigfoot in Ohio: Encounters with the Grassman, a book he authored in association with Joedy Cook and George Clappison of Ohio. In 2000, Chris embarked on a project to assemble a comprehensive pictorial presentation on the sasquatch. This initiative led to his 2004 sasquatch exhibit at the Vancouver (BC) Museum and the publication of Meet the Sasquatch, the first edition of this book. In due course, Chris wrote a supplemental section to Roger Patterson's book, which was republished in 2005 by Hancock House Publishers under the title, The Bigfoot Film Controversy. The following year, Chris updated his Ohio book, again with his two previous associates, and it was published in 2006 by Hancock House under the title, Bigfoot Encounters in Ohio: Quest for the Grassman. Chris's sasquatch exhibit next traveled to the Museum of Mysteries in Seattle, where it was displayed for five months in 2005. In June of the following year, it opened at the Museum of Natural History in Pocatello Idaho, where it was shown for 15 months. Chris has also attended and presented at many sasquatch symposiums, and has taken part in several television documentaries on the subject.


Book Reviews

By Reid M. Wilson - Published on Amazon.com

Yale & the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-Boy focuses on information surrounding the reported capture of "A British Columbia Gorilla" (as featured in the newspaper headline) that was described in the Victoria, British Columbia newspaper Daily Colonist in 1884. The book features Christopher L. Murphy's and Barry G. Blount's recent trip to the Yale region of British Columbia, where the capture reportedly took place, as well as present and past photographs of various locations. Pages 7-9 feature the July 3, 1884 article "What Is It? A Strange Creature Captured Above Yale -- A British Columbia Gorilla" that describes "Jacko" as "something of the gorilla type standing about four feet seven inches in height and weighing 127 pounds. He has long, black, strong hair and resembles a human being with one exception, his entire body, excepting his hands, (or paws) and feet are covered with glossy hair about one inch long. His fore arm is much longer than a man's fore arm, and he possesses extraordinary strength, as he will take hold of a stick and break it by wrenching or twisting it, which no man living could break in the same way." Page 9 notes the article was reprinted on July 5, 1884 in another British Columbia newspaper The Columbian and on July 15, 1884 in the Manitoba Daily Free Press under the heading "A Man-Beast: Alleged Capture of a Frontier Creature in B.C." as well as Chilco Choate (Appendix B on page 32) and Mrs. Hilary Foskett (Appendix C on page 33), whose relatives remembered hearing about the Jacko event. Page 21 notes the Barnum & Bailey collection had a drawer with the title "Jacko" that had no information, providing possible support for Grover Krantz's speculation that Jacko may have been a planned circus attraction. Information regarding the Jacko event is also featured on pages 36-39 and 319-320 of Sasquatch in British Columbia: A Chronology of Incidents & Important Events, and on pages 202-204 of Bigfoot Sasquatch: Evidence and Big Foot Prints a Scientific Inquiry.

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