Sasquatch Odyssey: the hunt for Bigfoot
By: Grover Krantz, Betty Unger, Peter von Puttkamer
Binding: DVD
Size: 5.6 x 4.9
Length: 69:49min
Publication Date: 2005
This Award-winning humorous film poses fundamental questions about the origins of man, while reveling in the sub-culture which surrounds the Bigfoot mystery. This is the story of the hunt for Bigfoot and the four old-men who have been searching for the elusive, mythical creature for 40 years.
Author Biography
Peter von Puttkamer has been producing and directing international award-winning films in the United States and Canada over the last twenty-two years. Von Puttkamers documentaries have aired on DISCOVERY CHANNEL, TLC, ANIMAL PLANET, DISCOVERY EUROPE, DISCOVERY ASIA/AUSTRALIA, CANAL PLUS, CBC, CTV, S.B.S. Australia, and various Canadian specialty channels. He has won more than 65 international film and television awards. His fascination with indigenous peoples, cultural diversity, mythology, music and wildlife has led to work around the world. Whether working on heart-felt personal stories, socio-political issues or broad adventure-based entertainment documentaries, filmmaking for von Puttkamer has always been blend of mind, body and spirit. Hes climbed through ancient caves used for human sacrifice in Mexico, filmed sacred mask rituals of North American natives, recorded soul music classics with legendary recording artists, worked with AIDS survivors! , chased Caribou herds on the Arctic Circle, joined a hunt for Bigfoot and documented the heart-wrenching tales of terminally ill patients waiting for experimental drug treatments. Since completing his BA in Film and Television at the University of British Columbia, von Puttkamer has incorporated his talents as a writer, director, cinematographer, musician and editor in creating dozens of independent and commissioned documentaries on a wide range of themes. In addition to the awards, von Puttkamer has had retrospectives of his films shown in Europe and South America as well as festivals created out of his work.