Meet the Sasquatch
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By: Murphy, Christopher L, Green, John, Steenburg, Thomas
ISBN: 9780888395801
Binding: Trade Cloth
Size: 11" X 8.5"
Pages: 256
Photos: 546
Illustrations: 58
Publication Date: 2004
PR Highlights: Patron's Edition
PHOTO Highlights: Over 600 photos & illustrations throughout
Description: A highly illustrated presentation on the main findings related to sasquatch or bigfoot creatures. The work traces the possible existence of these creatures from early references found in First Nations art to present day sightings and encounters.
Limited Patron Edition a beautiful, limited print run of hand-made, leather bound copies including a numbered signed copy by all authors including the late John Green. Only 25 copies ever produced.
Limited Edition Hardcover includes a signed copy by all authors including the late John Green.
Meet the Sasquatch is a milestone in the publication of sasquatch information. Never before have so many resources been researched and consulted on the phenomenon, nor have so many associated photographs been published under one cover, many, for the first time. The author and his associates, all active sasquatch researchers, produced the work to accompany an extraordinary exhibit at the Vancouver Museum, Vancouver British Columbia in the summer of 2004. While the last chapter on sasquatch has yet to be written, here is the full story of what we know about the creature to date. The level and quality of research and photographic coverage will amaze both the believers and skeptics alike. Chris Murphy, John Green and Thomas Steenburg have published many papers and over a dozen books on this topic. The supplemental information contributed by other researcher, scientists, artists and technicians makes this a unique publication.
As our title promises, the reader will truly meet the sasquatch!
Author Biography
Christopher L. Murphy retired in 1994 after 36-years service with the British Columbia
Telephone Company (now Telus). During his career, he authored four books on business processes and after retirement taught a night school course on vendor quality management at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. An avid philatelist, Chris has authored several books on Masonic Philately. He is president of the Masonic Stamp Club of New York.Chris met René Dahinden in 1993 and then worked with René in producing posters from thePatterson/Gimlin film and marketing sasquatch footprint casts. In 1996, Chris re-published Roger Patterson’s book, Do Abominable Snowmen of America Really Exist?, and Fred Beck’s book, I Fought the Apemen of Mt. St. Helens. In 1997, Chris published Bigfoot in Ohio: Encounters with the Grassman, a book he authored with Joedy Cook and George Clappison of the Ohio Bigfoot Research and Study Group. In 2000 Chris embarked on a project to assemble a comprehensive pictorial presentation on the sasquatch. This initiative led to the 2004 sasquatch exhibit at the Vancouver Museum, British Columbia and this publication.
John Green is a retired newspaperman. A graduate of both the University of British Columbia and Columbia University, he became interested in the sasquatch in 1957 while he was owner/publisher of the Agassiz-Harrison Advance newspaper and has spent the past 38 years as one of the most active participants in all aspects of the sasquatch investigation. His personal odyssey has ranged from hunting the sasquatch in the wild to following their trail across the continent, to tracking them by computer, and he has been the leader in the long attempt, only now beginning to bear fruit, to involve the scientific community in the search. He has written several books on the sasquatch and is considered a pre-eminent authority in the field, having been keynote speaker at all three of the major scientific symposiums so far held on this subject. John and his wife, June, live in Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia. A profile of John’s sasquatch related activities is included in this volume. Thomas Steenburg went directly from high school into the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry, lst Battalion, Calgary, Alberta. After leaving the army in 1986, he authored three books on sasquatch sightings in both Alberta and British Columbia. He moved to Mission, British Columbia in 2002, primarily to facilitate conducting personal sasquatch research in this province. Tom has made many presentations at sasquatch symposiums and he is one of the few researchers who actively pursues evidence of the creature in its wilderness domain. A profile on Tom’s activities is included in this volume.
Thomas Steenburg went directly from high school into the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry, lst Battalion, Calgary, Alberta. After leaving the army in 1986, he authored three books on sasquatch sightings in both Alberta and British Columbia. He moved to Mission, British Columbia in 2002, primarily to facilitate conducting personal sasquatch research in this province. Tom has made many presentations at sasquatch symposiums and he is one of the few researchers who actively pursues evidence of the creature in its wilderness domain. A profile on Tom’s activities is included in this volume.
Book Reviews
Review by Alicia Karen Elkins
February 2005
The back cover of Meet the Sasquatch states: Meet the Sasquatch is a milestone in the publication of sasquatch information. Never before have so many resources been researched and consulted on the phenomenon, nor have so many associated photographs been published under one cover. Indeed many photographs are being published for the first time. This cover blurb is exactly on the money. Meet the Sasquatch is the encyclopedia about the Sasquatch. It is the most information to be found in one volume on the subject and surpasses everything in this market niche for quality. This over-sized volume contains 239 pages packed with photographs, maps, charts, illustrations, reproductions of book covers, newspaper articles, protective ordinances, stamps, and much more. If it is Sasquatch-related, you will find it here. This entire book is impressive. From the moment you touch it, you are enthralled, even overwhelmed, by the bombardment of glossy photographs and sidebars. It is not a book to be casually scanned. It will force you to delve deeply into the passages and carefully contemplate the information. Once you have completed the first reading, you will likely immediately begin reading it again. Long after you put the book down, your mind will be churning information about Sasquatch. This is the book to create an addiction to Sasquatch in your life. Christopher Murphy has produced a masterpiece with this book. He lights a fire within your heart and mind for more input about Sasquatch. Then he offers you dozens of ways to acquire more. Perhaps you will fall in love with the artwork of Paul Smith and use the e-mail address to order a copy of the Sasquatch family. Perhaps you will join the International Bigfoot Society or subscribe to The Track Record. Or perhaps you will really get the Sasquatch fever and join the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. He has provided the means for you to become involved on any level that you desire. Murphy's writing style is conversational to the point that you begin to feel like you know him personally as a close friend. He manages to translate the most advanced scientific terminology into easy to understand language and explains complex procedures in a way that almost anyone can readily comprehend. He juxtaposes the scientific research with sighting anecdotes and slapstick commentary. His sidebar on the Smithsonian folks peeping out of their closet at the bigfoot situation will leave you laughing. Murphy is an author that will win your heart. If you ever purchase a book about the Sasquatch, make it this one. It will appeal to readers of all ages. However, be warned that once you open this book, you will be hooked right into the bigfoot phenomenon and your life will never be the same. I became addicted to bigfoot as a child when I saw the film made in Bluff Creek. This book will have that same effect on many children and would be an ideal gift for the children on your Christmas list. Order your copies of Meet the Sasquatch today and be sure to add a couple for stocking stuffers. This is the gift for those people that have everything.
Reviewer: Richard Noll (Edmonds, WA USA)
Simply put, this book has it all. 99.99% of what anyone would want to know about Bigfoot is in this coffee table sized volume. Chris has done us all a service and put it between these covers. I cannot over-praise the work he has done and that of all the people contained within it. There are no mental gymnastics one must go through to understand the evidence collected so far by amateur researchers. It is heavily illustrated with many never before published pictures and drawings. It begs the reader to really think about it, visualize it and not just scoff and proclaim no way, those things can't exist. What is it with those Canadians anyway? How can they consistently produce the best material out there on the subject? This sets the bar quite a bit higher than other work's claiming so called critical thinking or to be skeptically inquiring by being downright serious. It will be at least another 10 years before anything like it can be made with original material. I also predict that many of you will use this book to collect the autographs of the people Chris wrote about.
FATE Magazine
August 2004
reviewed by Daniel Perez
Chris Murphy's monumental opus, Meet The Sasquatch, may well go down in
history as one of the best books ever to be published on the subject matter. Publisher Dave Hancock may have said it better, Meet The Sasquatch is a milestone in the publication of sasquatch information. While the last chapter on sasquatch has yet to be written, here is the full story of wheat we know about the creature to date. Meet The Sasquatch will not disappoint for it is loaded with many never before seen photographs in addition to twelve partial frames from the both famous and forever controversial Patterson-Gimlin film. Noteworthy is the reproduction of those 16-mm film frames comes directly from cibachrome transparencies taken directly from the original movie.The best reproductive results are shown on page 55 and the likelihood of the subject being a costumed person appears extremely far fetched. Equally far fetched is the idea the filmed subject actually represents a gigantic unknown primate. With hunters all over the Pacific Northwest, I should clarify, it is hard to imagine they have missed a target of this immensity. Author Christopher L. Murphy, retired from the British Columbia Telephone Company (now Telus) after 36 years, traces his Bigfoot involvement with a meeting with the late Rene Dahinden in 1993. From there his interested blossomed and Meet The Sasquatch is a culmination of his years in the Bigfoot trenches. Noted Mr. Murphy in a recent letter to me, the idea to create a book of this nature goes back to my boyhood. At about age 13, I found a book entitled A Pictorial History of World War II. Because there were so many photographs and illustrations, I had no trouble understanding and associating with a very complex subject. We can only wonder how many 13-year-olds may be further inspired by the Bigfoot mystery with Murphy's penning of this excellent volume. The book's size, 8.5 X 11 inches, and glossy pages make it an excellent coffee table work and its organization appears to be logical and easy to follow. Chapter 1 starts with First Nations Sasquatch References, which is apt but wanting; to refer to them as North American Indians would be perfectly acceptable and less confusing. However, it has been pointed out the term Indian in Canada is socially unacceptable and considered derogatory and the preferred terminology is First Nations. Early Written Records, (chapter 2) makes it crystal clear, whether there is a Sasquatch or not, there is a long record, in writing and oral tradition, of manlike or apelike beings in North America prior to 1900. In chapter 2 Albert Ostman's alleged abduction by a Sasquatch in 1924 is briefly recounted but nowhere is it mentioned one of his principal investigators, Rene Dahinden, would later have considerable doubt about the reality of that tale based on the rugged geography Ostman would have encountered. Also in this chapter John Walters Burns is mentioned but briefly, although he was responsible for bringing into wide circulation the term Sasquatch, with his magazine articles on the subject. Burns' My Search For B.C.'s Giant Indians, from Liberty magazine, 1954, is reprinted and it should be noted for the record Mr. Burns' was writing about the topic in periodicals such as MacLeans as far back as 1929. The late newspaper reporter, Andrew Genzoli, who more or less broke the Bigfoot story to the world in 1958 is also only briefly cited. Had it not been for Genzoli, the long saga of Bigfoot may have been just some forgotten legend from the backwoods. The meat of this book is in the outstanding chapter 5, The Patterson/Gimlin Film, loaded with pictures, diagrams, notes and measurements made on the historic Bluff Creek, California filmsite. Author Chris Murphy takes us to another level in discussing details of this famous filmstrip. In reference to frame #352, the most widely used still frame of the subject, Murphy writes, for example, the is very little difference between frames 351, 352 and 353. Frame 352 was simply judged to be the best by two people. The piece of wood, (as Rene Dahinden called it) collected from the P-G filmsite, in which the subject either steps directly on it or next to it, is discussed in detail and, to the best of my knowledge this is the first time in a book that the artifact is written about. That piece of wood was collected by the chief investigator of the film, Rene Dahinden, and because it was in the same focal plane as the subject (Bigfoot) it was later determined this piece of wood could be used to calculate the height of the subject. Yvon Leclerc, a Canadian illustrator for the book, provides technical sketches of the facial area of the P-G subject, and this further enhances this already highly impressive book. I should mention, too, Mr. John Green and Mr. Thomas Steenburg, cited under the author's name as in association with, played a tremendous roles in troubleshooting the working manuscript as it was being developed and had a big say so as to what should be included and what was to be left on the cutting room floor. The debunking issue of the P-G film, as described in the recently released, The Making Of Bigfoot, by Greg Long, is mentioned on page 89 and it would appear to this reviewer Long's claim of a man in a costume are baseless and have little merit. Bigfoot, the skeptics have long stated, is fine folklore and campfire chat but chapter 8, The Physical Evidence And Its Analysis proves difficult to ignore as there is a whole gallery of the foot tracks and castings of Bigfoot. Footprints in the ground, whether real or faked, are facts. In respect to the foot tracks left behind by the big footed Sasquatch, one can only ask; could they all be fake over such a long period of time and covering a massive land mass, North America? When the length of the foot tracks is graphically plotted, by contributor Dr. Wolf Henner Fahrenbach, the scientist noted, the distribution is bell-shaped, meaning that it came from a biological population rather than being the result of forgery. Anthropologist Dr. Jeff Meldrum also noted, a pronounced flexibility in the midtarsal joint of Bigfoot tracks and one might opine it would be inconceivable that hoaxers would go to such trouble in adding subtle details to the tracks. The Skookum Bigfoot body cast, from September 2000, is covered with some depth and how the discovery came about. Alleged Sasquatch hair, beds and sounds are also discussed. Chapter 9 provides some wonderful insight on those, past and present, who have waded the Sasquatch waters, and found them inviting. Bob Titmus; John Green: this reviewer; Tom Steenburg; Dr. Grover Krantz; Rene Dahinden; Richard Noll (Skookum cast); Robert Alley, Matt Moneymaker, Ray Crowe and Bobbie Short are profiled. A glaring omission to this distinguished group is Peter Byrne and Loren Coleman, both who have brought enormous publicity to Bigfooting. The Russian Snowman and the Himalayan Yeti are in the closing stages of this book and the author, Chris Murphy, concludes with, If sasquatch are 'out there' what else might there be? Two thumbs up for Meet The Sasquatch!. This is a serious and excellent treatment of a simply fascinating topic.