Nahanni Trailhead: a year in the northern wilderness
By: Moore, Joanne
ISBN: 0-88839-464-0
Binding: Trade Paper
Size: 5.5" X 8.5"
Pages: 256
Photos: 0
Illustrations: 0
Publication Date: 2000
PR Highlights: A year-long honeymoon spent in snowy isolation.
PHOTO Highlights: 16 page b/w photo section.
Description: Tales of how author transported provisions, built their cabin and spent their honeymoon year on the South Nahanni River. A tale of adventure, strength and nature's ever changing moods and faces.
The South Nahanni River of Canada's Northwest Territories has captivated canoeists and mountain adventurers for decades. Imagine flying 4,000 pounds of supplies into the Nahanni River Valley with plans to build a cabin on the shores of the legendary river and live there for a year--on your honeymoon. That is what John and Joanne Moore did. The author tells how they transported their provisions into the remote area and built their cabin on the South Nahanni River, an area cut off from the outside world by mountain ranges, its only highway the wild river that carves its way through cliffs a thousand feet high. Here the Moores lived for a year, and traveled by canoe, foot, snowshoe and ski in the isolated land they came to love. It was not always idyllic: they fought against loneliness and dangerously cold temperatures, John narrowly escaped being crushed under their food cache and both fell through the ice into the freezing water of the river. An engaging adventure story, this is also the blueprint for anyone wishing to make a wilderness-living dream come true. Included in this edition are the author's thoughts twenty year5s after the adventure as she and John embark on a return visit to the Nahanni with their two children.
Author Biography
Nahanni Trailhead was Joanne Ronan Moore's first book. A best seller in Canada and published in the United States it continues to be a must-read for adventurers who plan to canoe the South Nahanni River. Following the writing of Nahanni Trailhead, Joanne returned to teaching. She has recently gone into private practice as a team coach and facilitator working with MBA teams and public sector organizations. She has resumed writing and has just published her first novel the Cottage Retreat.