The Track Record: a bigfoot encyclopedia
By: Ray Crowe & David Paulides
ISBN: 978-0-61532-159-2
Binding: CD
Size: 5.6 x 4.9
Publication Date: 2010
This is a CD containing over 3000 document pages that include photos, maps, research papers and much more. It also includes an 80 page word document that is a master index for the 16 years The Track Record was produced. This is the single greatest index in any cryptozoology book, CD, DVD, anything! You can spend weeks browsing the CD that we have produced. The accumulation of Track Records is truly a Bigfoot Encyclopedia with an extensive cross reference via the index. "The Track Record" was a monthly newsletter produced by Ray Crowe (Hillsboro, OR) over a 16-year time span, July 1991- August 2007. Ray did a fantastic job documenting various aspects of Bigfoot/ Sasquatch that will not appear anywhere else. Ray not only centered his work on Bigfoot/ Sasquatch, he also included stories on Yowie, Yeti, Almasti, Loch Ness Monster, UFO's, Chupacabras, etc. We know that you will find this as a centerpiece for all Bigfoot related research. In 2007 North America Bigfoot Search (NABS) purchased the research, documents, writings, copyrights and trademarks associated with Ray Crowe and his two organizations. We immediately made a decision that the Track Record was an extremely valuable document for Bigfoot Researchers and we embarked on a path to put the newsletters on a CD for reference purposes. This project was completed in 2009. The greatest contribution that NABS made to the Track Record was the development of an index for all of the newsletters. The index is 95,000 words and 80 pages in length. There is no other index in all of Cryptozoology that comes close to what NABS has established. Every major category, state, country and crypto subject is in the index. The CD is PC and MAC compatible.
Author Biography
Ray Crowe was the founder of the Western Bigfoot Society in Oregon. Ray held monthly meetings in the basement of his bookstore in Hillsboro and from that grew an immense commitment to bigfoot and other crypto topics. Ray was the perfect man to develop a newsletter that catered to everyone’s interest with specific emphasis on sasquatch/bigfoot.
The newsletter slowly grew in popularity and in quality as Ray’s name floated throughout North America and eventually the world. He covered Almasti, Yeti, Yeren, Abominable Snowman and every other unusual biped that walked the Earth. Ray was the type of person who was approachable and liked talking to people. He made several expeditions throughout the western United States in search of the biped and made many great contacts.
The “Track Record” newsletter was published every month for 17 years, over 3000 pages. Ray retired almost two years ago and NABS purchased all of his research and the rights to his writings. We methodically went through every page of the Track Record and developed an 80 page WORD document that is the index for all 3000 pages. There is nothing like this for crypto research, nothing. This is all placed on a CD that is PC and MAC compatible.
A Review of North American Bigfoot Search’s DVD of Ray Crowe’s Track Record
In early 2007, I had the privilege of boxing Ray Crowe’s Western Bigfoot Society and International Bigfoot Society records for their sale to North American Bigfoot Search. Aside from some help from Ray’s daughter, I was alone in the work since I couldn’t find volunteers and Ray was in a period of limited locomotion.
Packing brought back many memories. Recently, I’ve had cause to revisit those dusty, moldy poignant fourteen hours of work in five sessions to provide information to another researcher.
During my remembrance, I recognized one thing seemed missing, something I haven’t seen on the Internet, although I spend little time searching for Bigfoot stuff on the web. It was a review of the absolutely incredible work NABS did to organize, scan, index, and catalog Ray’s Track Records, A Bigfoot Encyclopedia into a DVD format.
The DVD is available through the North American Bigfoot Search website for the very reasonable sum of $19.95 plus a modest shipping charge. This is why every, and I mean every, serious Bigfoot researcher should buy a copy.
First, let me say that during its 16 year run from 1991 to early 2007, Ray Crowe always advised his readers “To have their “Skepticals” on.” Pretty much, Ray typed his contributor’s works in as they came. He did one other thing; he generally didn’t repeat what was readily available through other venues; rather, Ray would simply reference where the citation could be found.
So, what does all that mean?
One: there is a huge amount of primary information available in the Track Record. This was recognized by NABS, which has astute people on staff, and they went to the time and expense of making 174 of the newsletters {about 3,000 pages} available to the many who have few if any copies of the originals {I think I have a complete set, but may be missing a couple, yet for it’s convenience, I find the NABS DVD my go-to reference.}
Two: critics who say the TR is hardly worth the paper it’s printed on are in serious error. Crowe’s work is in fact an Encyclopedia unmatched in our field of study. It goes far beyond the product of some Bigfoot books which are mainly, “back-in-the-day, they saw one; and reports of one walking across a road.”
Now, let’s consider some TR generals and specifics which I selected virtually at random this morning.
The superlative 80 page index begins with four or five pages of Bigfoot only related material. Some headings read: “Bigfoot Caves {20 citations}, eyes {100}, odor {60+}, wood knocks {20+}.
Indexed topics include: BF/Sasquatch/Wildmen, UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster, Chupacabras, Research Reports, Yeti/Yowie/ Yaren Reports, Photos of Researchers, Research photos & sketches, and commentary.
Just three issues are adequate to demonstrate the wide range of exceptional material available in the TR DVD: issue #16 of May 1992, issue #28 of June 1993, and issue #130 of August 2003.
#16 – this one caught my eye because of a mention of Olallie Lake tracks which is in my primary area of field research. The heading was somewhat misleading as the tracks actually occurred NW and across Big Bottom on the upper slopes of Mt. Lowe. The vicinity of Mt. Lowe is an area I have spent many days and nights investigating. I was also disappointed to know that the many reports of activity near Olallie Lake are apparently not in the Track Record. No matter.
#28 – there is a version of the Clackamas Indian myth about Bigfoot presenting themselves to man and not being seen. Ray also comments on the eleven {11} Bigfoot newsletters in print at the time. One central to his comments exploded onto the scene and then evaporated, as most have, with the exception of Daniel Perez’s monthly.
#130 – this one was a bit touching. While it was surely selected at random, I found it important for it contains a photograph of a much younger Ray and our dear Theata before she had cancer. Theata Crowe was a beautiful, wonderful person.
Anyway, pages 2228 & 29 on the DVD version of #130 have old drawings about wild men in Europe. P.2230 relates a Loch Ness type Native American legend of a similar, more violent creature called the “Wallowa Lake Monster.” P.2232 contains a report from Russia authored by Valentin Sapunov.
Somewhere as I was rambling with my mouse I found a reference to Forest Road 4610 which was very important to me, although I thought I knew the road area “well.”
I could go on, but I will not. Save your money, buy the DVD. It contains important history that someday may become rare. Also know the DVD is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. If you are not familiar with PDF in large documents, it is very easy to learn and navigate.
Thank you.
Joe Beelart
West Linn, Oregon
April 3, 2010